SGPT And SGOT Levels In Jaundice


If you are here because the doctor said that you have Jaundice, then you have come to the right article. We will not only talk about the SGPT and SGOT levels of Jaundice, but we will further explain everything that you need to know about the ailment. Continue reading to know jaundice as well as the levels of SGPT and SGOT when you have the said condition.

About Jaundice

Jaundice is an ailment in which the whites of your eyes, mucous membranes, and skin are affected. All of these turn yellow as these contain bilirubin. It is a yellow-orange pigment that comes from the liver. It is then formed when your red blood cells are broken down.

How is it formed then? It is important to note that you can get unconjugated jaundice when the jaundice levels in your body increase. This can happen when hematoma is reabsorbed. Hematoma is blood clot that can be found under your skin. Another cause can be because of hemolytic anemias, which happens when your blood cells are broken down and eliminated from your bloodstream.

Take note that these are not the only causes that can trigger jaundice. It can also be viruses, alcohol, genetic metabolic defects, autoimmune disorders, and even medicines.

You will know that you already have the condition when you start feeling these signs: chills, fevers, abdominal pain, dark-colored urine, clay-colored stool, flu-related signs, and change in your skin tone. However, the symptoms that you can get may vary as well as the severity. Some signs may appear slow or quickly as time goes by.

Even the cause of the ailment can have an effect on the symptom that you can get. For example, in case that it is not from an infection, you can get additional signs like itchy skin or sudden weight loss. But if it because of biliary tract cancer, you can end up getting abdominal pain.

Since there is a various possible cause of the condition, the treatment will depend on those too. In fact, the doctor will focus more on the cause instead of the symptoms. Below are some of the treatment for jaundice:

  1. Medication: This treatment is suggested when the cause is through medication. However, the doctor will prescribe you a different medicine.
  2. Removal of the obstruction: This is recommended for those who have obstruction-induced jaundice.
  3. Steroids or antiviral medications: You will have to take these when you got jaundice through hepatitis.
  4. Iron: For those who got jaundice because of anemia, the best solution is to increase their intake of iron. It can be added to their blood or they can choose to eat foods rich in iron. Another option is to take iron supplements.

Lucky for you, there is a way to prevent jaundice. For starters, you need to know that the condition is linked to your liver function. So it is best that you focus on taking care of your liver. How? You can start preparing healthy meals to maintain a well-balanced diet, stay away from alcohol, and exercise daily.

SGOT Levels

Earlier, we mentioned that jaundice is a condition that is related to your liver. When you decide to check if you do have the ailment, there is a huge tendency that you will be asked to take an SGOT test. It is an examination that checks the profile of your liver.

When you take the test, expect that SGOT will measure your two liver enzymes and see how much enzyme is located in your blood. It can then diagnose you if you have liver disease or damage. In case your liver is damaged, the SGOT will leak into the bloodstream, which can increase the blood level of the enzyme in your body.

Do not worry, SGOT is a simple blood test. There is no need for you to prepare so much although it is best that you avoid over-the-counter medications before taking the test. If possible, avoid these medications two days before the test. You should also inform your doctor about it as well as the medications that you are taking.

It might be helpful if you drink plenty of water. Doing so will help the technician to get the blood from you. After the blood test, keep yourself hydrated to prevent fainting or feeling of light-headedness. You will know that you have jaundice when the result is 0.81 +.

SGPT Levels

The normal range of SGPT is between 7 to 56 units per liter. It is found in your liver and when you have a high level of SGPT, expect that your liver is damaged. There are various possible causes of how your SGPT levels increase. It can be from drinking alcohol, heart attack, obesity, and hepatitis.

It is not hard to determine if your SGPT levels are high. There are symptoms that will appear like fatigue, leg swelling, and vomiting, among others. In the case of jaundice, your SGPT level can reach 0.06 when you already have the condition.

Aside from treating jaundice and following the tips we gave you earlier, you can also lower your SPGT levels. You can do this by increasing your vitamin D intake or if you can, just stay under the sun for about 20 minutes daily. Exercising can help your body improve too.

The good thing about having a high level of SGPT is that the signs are noticeable. Hopefully, you will not ignore these and immediately head to your doctor. It is always better to do preventive approaches than wait for the time when the condition is already severe. Also, there are tons of SGPT blood tests that you can undergo to see if the levels are high or not.

If possible, do a whole body checkup yearly. This can help you monitor your overall health and see your SGPT and SGOT levels. The checkup can prevent you from having jaundice and other diseases. If you want, you can also consult your doctor to know which tests to take.

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