Diet For Liver Cirrhosis And Diabetes: What Foods to Eat for Better Management


There are a number of different health conditions that can lead to reduced quality of life and wellness. While some can be minor and may resolve on their own, there are also those that can cause severe damage and reduction to overall health if left untreated. Some of these health conditions include diabetes and liver cirrhosis. These two conditions, if not properly and immediately addressed can lead to dire consequences for individuals. So before this happens, it is best that people know which food items to avoid and to prevent eating in order to lower their risk of developing both liver cirrhosis and type 2 diabetes, conditions that usually come together. In this article, we look at the diet for liver cirrhosis and diabetes. Read on to find out more!

Fatty Liver and Diabetes and their effects: A General Overview

Fatty liver can come in two forms which are nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and alcoholic fatty liver disease. This illness has been estimated to affect around a third of adults in the United States (US) and is one of the major reasons for individuals to get liver failure. Alcoholic fatty liver disease, as the name suggests, is commonly diagnosed in people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol. On the other hand, those who are diagnosed with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease are usually observed in individuals who are sedentary, obese or those with diets that focus on food items that are highly processed. This fatty liver disease if left untreated, can result in liver scarring which is referred to as liver cirrhosis.

Diabetes, on the other hand, is an illness that happens when an individual’s blood sugar level becomes too high. Having increased blood sugar in the body can lead to various adverse health effects such as foot problems, nerve damage, dental disease, eye problems, kidney disease, stroke, and heart disease.

Diet For Liver Cirrhosis And Diabetes: Foods You Should Eat

One of the main ways to address diabetes and fatty liver disease is through a healthy diet or eating strategy. This means that in general, individuals who want to address these two (2) health conditions should focus on consuming reduced amounts of alcohol, little to no added sugar, saturated fats, carbs that are refined, trans fat, and salt. A diet that is calorie-reduced and low fat can aid in the reduction of weight and lead to a lower risk of developing fatty liver disease. If one is obese or overweight, it is ideal that a total of 10% of one’s overall body weight is shed.

Below are some of the recommended beverages and foods to include for on a diet for liver cirrhosis and diabetes:


Drinking coffee helps balance the enzymes of the body. A number of studies show that those who drank coffee and also suffered from fatty liver had lower damage to the liver compared to those who did not take in the said beverage. It seems like caffeine is able to balance certain enzymes that can improve overall health.

Green Veggies

Eating several greens to prevent the buildup of fat. There is a ton of evidence that shows how broccoli can help prevent fat build-up which can benefit people suffering from diabetes and fatty liver. Eating these healthy green vegetables has also been linked with weight loss. Some of these green veggies are kale, Brussel sprouts, and spinach.


It helps in the reduction of fat levels and inflammation. Aside from being a good source of protein that is plant-based, eating tofu which contains soy protein, can lead to a lower build-up of fat in the body and the liver. Lower fat means lower chances of getting liver disease and type 2 diabetes.


Certain types of fish such as those that are classified as fatty fish can provide elevated levels of omega 3 fatty acids. These include trout, tuna, sardines, and salmon. Omega 3 Fatty acids have been shown to improve fats in the liver and the entire body along with reducing inflammation.


Carbs coming from whole foods such as oatmeal can give the body a clean energy source instead of going for processed food items such as donuts or muffins. Oats and other healthy grains can also make you feel more satiated and full preventing cravings and hunger pangs which can aid in weight maintenance.


Similar to the aforementioned types of fish, walnuts contain increased levels of omega-3 fatty acids. There is evidence to suggest that eating walnuts can help improve sugar levels and improve the function of the liver.


Healthy fats can be acquired from avocadoes and they also contain beneficial chemical compounds that can help boost overall health and address diseases such as fatty liver and diabetes. Avocado is also high in fiber which means that they can assist individuals who want to control their weight.

Low-fat dairy

Whey protein can be obtained in significant amounts in dairy which can help combat further damage to the body which can lead to worse symptoms for diabetes and fatty liver disease.

Sunflower seeds

These seeds are described as having a nutty flavor and contains significant levels of vitamin E which is a potent antioxidant that can protect the body, particularly the liver from getting damaged further.

Olive oil

Olive oil is a healthy form of oil that has increased levels of omega 3 fatty acids. Compared to other oils for cooking, olive oil is much healthier than shortening, butter, and margarine. There are also studies that point towards olive oil being able to help in the management of weight and in balancing the enzymes of the liver.

diet for liver cirrhosis and diabetes

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